MMU AWARD '08 [Differences in customes, one in tradition] is an award-giving dinner for outstanding students as well as all club and societies which involved in organizing events in both Multimedia University in Cyberjaya and Malacca campuses. Its quite late for me to post up this entry as the event was held on 5th July 08, as i just received my photos today...n yet not the complete one.
To be frank, i dun like to attend such kind of dinner as the ambient and the food there is really not my type. But, since the event that i joined "The 11th Chinese New Year Extravaganza" was nominated for the Best Cultural Award...So just go for it once..
Part of the committees of the event......
N i don like to wear such a formal blazer...its stuffy man~!!!...
a picture with my so-called "sohai" friend...
Looks delicious?? lets get closer a little bit....
How we gonna share 2 salted fishes among 10 people??
Belaccan with few slices of vegetables?? not tempting at all......
The chicken....
The prawn.....
The mix vege...
The fish fillet...
The sotong....
So here is the tissue provided by the vendor, with the name on the restaurant on you guys know what to do next...The spoon and fork are also arranged in the wrong way....
it is almost time
for the food to be finish....haha.....
Thats the door gift i received at entrance...hmm...i like the bag, but there is nothing useful inside.
The event begins with cultural performances among races..However, i missed the chance to snap pictures for the opening ceremony of the the opening was quite a special one..with the effect of the green laser and fire crackers just like what they used for the concert...
This is the only picture i got...T.T~~
This is the best part of the performance which the eventually played the MMU official song, Permata Dunia by using the Chinese musical instruments..the sound is mixed in such a harmony way with the voice of Miss Intan, the singer of Permata Dunia (if i not mistaken her name). I like her voice so much...its so soft and relaxing...
a closer look on her...
no table manner at all....keep on sms-ing with your dear only....haha~~~
with the OC friends...
forget to introduce another sohai friend of mine...haha~~~
sohai enough?? haha~~
n yet, the night is ended with pool again.....with my sohai friend~~hahahahaa~~~
Sunday, July 20, 2008
MMU award
Posted by
G a b r i e l
3:32 PM
Labels: Products and events coverage
Saturday, July 19, 2008
My first time
Not the first time i sleep with other gals....haha~~Make sure ur mind is on the right direction. But the first time i spent so much money on my face.....Unbelievable?? Believe it~!!
This is the shop whereby i stumbled myself in it for the very first time. Purchasing neither perfume nor shower gel, but facial stuff as my facial cleanser starts to be ineffective on my skin. Thats why i decided to have a try on "The body Shop" facial products after many of my friends recommended this brand to me.
First is this, the TEA TREE OIL FACE WASH, specially formulated for oily and blemished skin. This is what the lady there told me to i am also a noob in such kind of thingy, therefore i just go ahead with it. If my face get worst, i sure gonna go back and teach her how to spell the word "DIE"...
After washing with it, she recommends me to use the TEA TREE OIL FACIAL TONER to tighten up the pores while removing impurities and excess oil, and helps to combat blemishes.
Lastly, the TEA TREE OIL MATTIFYING MOISTURISER for instant hydration, shine control and shield to help protect against grime and pollution.
U guys roughly can estimate how much i spent on those accessories. So its needless for me to post up the figure on my receipt.haha~~~~I need to start eating maggie mee at home for at least a save back the money which i spent on my face~~~T.T~~
Last but not least, recently i received this logo from my friends. Seems to be quite funny...cause the two fellows who are having sex in doggy style look like guy. None of them have the figure of a woman...haha~~so i think instead of "NO SEX", it is better to change the name to " NO SEX WITH SAME GENDER"~~haha~!!
Posted by
G a b r i e l
5:27 PM
Labels: Products and events coverage
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
I am a millionaire
Guess what i have received yesterday?? Not a birthday condom from my friend, not "hamtai" from Japan, not masturbating doll from e-bay, not a dildo from anyone else....haha~but this..~!!!
A letter from Spain~!! HoHo~~The letter was reviewed with great enthusiasm as this was my first time to receive a letter from spain~!! And guess whats the content of the letter.....
"Congrats Mr Gabriel Fong, you are being awarded with 2 virgins from Spain. You will receive your virgins through courier service within this week. Please do attend our sex party on 04/10/2008 again for more lucky draw, venue will be confirmed later."
LOL~~just kidding around. Of course i will not be receiving those kind of mail. If its really happens to me, i am wondering that the virgins are guys or girls.haha~~!!
So this is the content of the letter. I have eventually won the EUROMILLONES SWEEPSTAKE LOTTERY/NEW YEAR HIGHSTAKE INTERANTIONAL PROGRAM. Therefore, i have been approved for a lump sum payout of US$815,960.00.....haha~~so that means i am a millionaire now~!!! a 20 years old millionaire. HOHO~~!!!
what i need to do now is to fill and submit this form to BLUE BIRD SECURITY S.A. In hokkien, we call this security as "Lan jiao" security...LOL~~and after that i shall sit back and enjoy my life...going vacations at Maldives for bikini chicks, Amsterdam for legalized prostitutions, Dubai for entertainment....and so on~~i gonna quit MMU, the sux-est university that i have seen...and join Harvard. haha~~
Well, is this gonna really turn true?? i dont think so. It is so obvious that this is just only a prank or some cheating organization who wanna cheat my money. So sorry that they have send their mail to wrong person like me...Although i wish to become a millionaire also, but this is not my way. I shall work them on with both of my hands. If anyone received this letter before and replied, please tell me your result. If you really get the money, i for sure gonna send back my filled up form.haha~!!
Posted by
G a b r i e l
2:32 AM
Labels: Pieces of life
Monday, July 14, 2008
MMU Sucks~!
Nowadays the quality of Multimedia University is kinda sucks. Instead of known as Multimedia University(MMU), students often call it as Money Making University. Well, i prefer to call it as Money Multiplying University. It's not just as easy as making money, but its multiplying the income of the university.
I get to dislike the management of this university after they implemented the library fees to the students. This happened by the time when i was still an executing committee of Students' Representative Council, and different ways were being tried by us to diminish the implementation of the library fees.
MMU MELAKA, 29th June 2007- A detailed explanation was given to the Student Representative Council (SRC), at 3pm, when they had a meeting with library director, Puan Aminah. According to her, library fees are being implemented due to the services that are being provided. These fees will be used to cover the additional costs for better services in future, and also to cover the costs of the Cyberjaya library. The annual budget of the library is a hefty RM5.4 million, which is spent on maintaining as well as improving the library.HOWEVER, till the end, we as the students of MMU still have to pay an amount of RM60 per annum for the library fees, after voicing out our dissatisfactions and signing petition and so on.
And recently, another kind of fees are being suggested by the management of the university again, namely IT fees.
Quoted from
The University is planning to impose an IT service fee of approximately RM100/year on all students starting from the academic year 2008/2009 (this trimester). The fee covers the maintenance fees of MMLS, course registration system, wireless services and other online systems. Besides this, a portion of the fee will be used to upgrade the bandwidth of Malacca campus (from 16 Mbps to 34 Mbps).Unfortunately, there are several controversial issues:
1. Although the students from both of the campuses will be charged the same fee, Cyberjaya campus will get a better service in terms of bandwidth increment (from 34 Mbps to 100 Mmbps). This is because the hardware of Cyberjaya campus is more advance than us and our hardware is not able to support the 100 Mbps bandwidth (Cyberjaya hardware can support up to 400 mbps while ours can only support up till 100 Mbps).
2. Not every student is using the wireless service.
3. CITS cannot guarantee that after the imposition of the IT services fee, all the flaws that we encountered before (eg. system down during the course registration period) can be solved once and for all.
4. Number of concurrent connections to the web services such as MMLS and course registration may or may not be increased. If it is not increased, the increase in bandwidth would not make much of a difference as the number of users allowed to access the said websites will still remain the same. As such, at high usage periods (i.e. before/during exam for MMLS & course registration days) students will still have the problem of not being able to access the websites. It would be akin to widening the roads but still having the same number of exits – You’ll get to the exits/entrances (i.e. websites) faster. Once there, you’ll have to wait in line (for countless hours) just as before.
Finally, still the same way, after signing out petition and voicing out our dissatisfaction through SRC, we are given discount for the fees. So, here is how the fees go on.
The IT Services Fee for Malacca campus has been reduced to RM 50 (for non-hostel residents) and RM 75 (for hostel residents). Besides this, the bandwidth will be increased to 100Mbps for Malacca campus, an increament from the initially announced 34Mbps. As for Cyberjaya campus, the bandwidth will be higher, at 150Mbps. Therefore, they will be paying RM 75 (non-hostel residents) and RM 100 (hostel residents).
LOL~~so called multimedia university, stil need students' support for IT fees...
This two situations are the same. We are all just the puppet of the management of university, or one of the little chess of them no matter students or SRC. Their initiative for the fees aren't as high as what they announced. They know very well that students are going to make chaos and complaints regarding those fees. Thats why they are putting high of the fees just to give some negotiations to the students after they complained. So, this are their the fucking technique to fool us.
And these are all not the main point for me to write this post. The main point, i received a forwarded message from YM stated that MMU now is one of the government Universities in Malaysia. OMGWTFCCB~~!!! I will be happy if someone telling me that i am wrong. But, you guys can click and check on the link below.
I believe that malaysia government's official portal wont goes wrong. WTF is tat fucking idiot Zaharin doing...~~!!! Seriously i dont like that geezer at all. His pattern is pissed off~!! and the way he answers students' question is really sucks, u wont be able to get the answer for your question that u asked him. He surely gonna divert the answer and wont give the exact one for you.
OMG, i cant imagine how MMU gonna looks like after it turns to a government University.......
1. No more good looking chicks, as most of them are in!
2. Do we need to speak malay in campus??
3. The sounds of the muslim prayers is gonna be very frustrating.
4. Do i need to wear long sleeves and long pants with shoes to campus??
5. Am i going to get fined for watching pretty chicks in campus?
6. No more kaki to go pure bar anymore??
.........and many more.....of course i cant list out 1 by 1.
HOWEVER, if MMU is really a government university, it is surely gonna get subsidies from government.. Then why the fuck are we still need to pay so much of unnecessary fees??
Posted by
G a b r i e l
8:41 PM
Saturday, July 12, 2008
POOL fever
nowadays, i was kinda addicted on playing pool...Not that playing beside the swimming pool with lots of hot chicks in bikini or tube~~!!!! i was talking about this:
my favourite temporarily for this moment...And currently i am staying at Malacca, so there are only 2 places whereby i preferred for pooling. The first one is the Snooker center at Senyum. Thats the place where most of the Malays like to visit as the price there is really cheap. Imagine that you can get a 2 hours play of pool for just only RM10. It is just around the price of 2 boxes of condom~~durex one~hahaha~~.....
However, there is always a reason on why the price is so cheap..just like you are buying a cheap condom, it is easier to tear off and not comfortable~~hahaha~~i don't prefer the pool equipments at Senyum , either the tables, cue or the sticks there...and the environment there isnt satisfied too. I play there sometimes in the sake of saving some money for petrol.
long fish bar at BW sports bar
I prefer BW sports Bar at Melaka Raya. Its the best place for me to pool. In terms of environment, equipments and chicks there. At least i hardly see any malays there as i think they wont gonna afford for it. It costs RM 12 per hour. I could only see chinese and some foreigners at that bar everytime i played there. And the chicks there are nice~! mouth-watering~!haha....thats the reason why i keep on losing at there.....hahaha
although not so pro and keep on losing, but pattern must nice~haha
with wide screen projector inside
vvip pool table
island bar
night view from the bar
POOL???anyone??? just find me~!!
Posted by
G a b r i e l
3:07 PM
Labels: Pieces of life